On the Instrata Elite label

A new approval has been granted for red thread on the Instrata Elite label, the all-round Syngenta turf fungicide.

The company says whilst red thread would be considered of relatively minor and transient impact on most actively managed turf surfaces, where it does break out results can be extremely unsightly and create thin gaps where problem grasses and weeds could ingress.

The addition of red thread has required further supplementary trials to the original approval, which Syngenta says underlines their on-going commitment to R&D and providing effective integrated turf management solutions.

The company’s turf technical manager, Glenn Kirby, said, “With the leading role of Instrata Elite in any proactive fungicide programme, turf managers would have seen the benefits in incidental control of red thread. However, for anyone specifically targeting red thread the disease has to specified on the label.

“Having supplied a comprehensive data set demonstrating the immense disease control efficacy of Instrata Elite, turf managers and agronomists now have the opportunity to make full use wherever required.”

Syngenta investment in supporting Instrata Elite required a minimum of six replicated trials, over two seasons, under representative conditions for regulatory authorities to add red thread to the label.

Red thread can occur on any turf surface, especially golf greens, tees and fairways, along with bowling greens and sports pitches. Warm and wet conditions are most conducive to infection, with fescue and perennial ryegrass surfaces most susceptible. Low fertility and moisture retentive surfaces increase the risk of outbreaks.

Syngenta say registration trials have shown Instrata Elite application in the early phases of disease development is very effective.

The Instrata Elite label offers broad spectrum disease control, with both contact and systemic properties, to target microdochium patch, dollar spot, brown patch and anthracnose on managed amenity turf and golf courses.

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