From golf course irrigation and water management expert

Stuart Tate (pictured above), a well-known golf industry irrigation and water management expert, has launched a design engineering and technical advisory practice, Irrigation Professionals Limited.

Based in Ringwood, UK, Stuart says he and a number of specialist associates will assist clients with strategic planning for water usage, provide water sourcing and water engineering solutions, and deliver practical support and education for those operating, maintaining, upgrading and replacing golf course and sports turf irrigation systems.

Stuart has 35 years’ design engineering and specification expertise. In a career dedicated to the golf sector, he says he has a focus on sustainability and a hands-on approach to the management of individual projects. In his most recent role as European golf specification manager for Rain Bird, he also delivered greenkeeper education for a number of membership organisations.

Stuart said, “Water is essential for turfgrass health and performance and water scarcity is a pressing issue, yet irrigation remains a grey area in the golf and sports turf industry’s understanding. We will provide the links between water sourcing, efficient design, the latest water saving technologies and education, to give organisations and turf professionals clarity and confidence in their approach to managing this precious resource.”

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